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The State of the HK Property Market

Michael Hampton
Posted at 07:25 PM 06 Jul 2010

Hermitage is selling well.

After pulling the sale when the "new regulations" were announced, Sino has put it back on the market, after Sun Hung Kai's stunning purchase of land at Ho Man Tin.

The good results at Hermitage are helping to push up prices in the Olympic area.

Is this the "last gasp"?  Or another leg up in the bull market?

I suppose it will depend on how the stock market fares in the weeks and months ahead.  I have to admit I have a bearish view on stocks for the second half, but I expect a July rally first.


Posted at 12:17 AM 09 Jun 2010

I share the same view!

Then again there is the Eurozone issues and this could bring another global financial crisis and the interest rate may remain low should the contagion spreads to other parts of Europe. If this happens, the first to panic will be the speculators who will dump their properties. I have seen this first hand in 2008 when the asking price for a 10M apartment was reduced to 8.02M in a matter of 2 weeks.

The Eurozone crisis has also affected the HSI and the stock market is not looking very positive. This will in turn will affect the overall property market sentiment and prices are falling in many developments in the last few weeks.


Posted at 12:17 AM 09 Jun 2010

I share the same view!

Then again there is the Eurozone issues and this could bring another global financial crisis and the interest rate may remain low should the contagion spreads to other parts of Europe. If this happens, the first to panic will be the speculators who will dump their properties. I have seen this first hand in 2008 when the asking price for a 10M apartment was reduced to 8.02M in a matter of 2 weeks.

The Eurozone crisis has also affected the HSI and the stock market is not looking very positive. This will in turn will affect the overall property market sentiment and prices are falling in many developments in the last few weeks.


Posted at 12:16 AM 09 Jun 2010

I share the same view!

Then again there is the Eurozone issues and this could bring another global financial crisis and the interest rate may remain low should the contagion spreads to other parts of Europe. If this happens, the first to panic will be the speculators who will dump their properties. I have seen this first hand in 2008 when the asking price for a 10M apartment was reduced to 8.02M in a matter of 2 weeks.

The Eurozone crisis has also affected the HSI and the stock market is not looking very positive. This will in turn will affect the overall property market sentiment and prices are falling in many developments in the last few weeks.


Michael Hampton
Posted at 09:01 AM 22 May 2010

(As originally posted elsewhere):

Too many people in HK have bought property thinking that the "new normal" is represented by interest rates of 1-2%, and they will stay there indefinitely. They may have forgotten that low rates came about as a temporary remedy for a global economy in freefall, and those low rates are unlikely to persist much longer IMHO. If such low rates are sustained through the remainder of 2010, I will be surprised.

In fact, there are clear signs that rates are beginning to rise already.  The only question is: how far will they go, and how fast will they go up.  I think it is very likely that the average HK property investor may be in for a rude shock.

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