Ref: 2938262 | Last Modified: 13-05-2024
Agency Property ID: Savills 341843

Hirst Mansions

Hirst Mansions, Lugard Road , The Peak , Hong Kong Island

Rent: 78,000 HKD
3   2   0
Gross: 2,313 sqft ( 34 / sqft HKD)
Saleable: 2,035 sqft ( 38 / sqft HKD)

Property Information

An unique lowrise development located on the Peak. Lugard Road is in an restricted country park zone set in a serene green environment. Residents will need to apply for a permit for their car access. They will also enjoy unobstructed views over Hong Kong (Stock Reference Number: 341843; Advertisement Date: 2021-01-21)

  • Sea
The Peak Transaction Historical Chart
-- Avg Price Per Square Foot --
Recent Property Transactions in The Peak
Date Price(M) Address Size Price/ft2
8/24/16 Rent 31.80 Flat 2, Floor 14, Block F, Evergreen Villa, The Peak 1,720 $18,488.0
7/11/16 Rent 300.00 Flat A, Floor 2, Severn Villa, The Peak 1,550 $193,548.0
6/15/16 Rent 232.00 Flat A, Floor 3, Severn Villa, The Peak 1,550 $149,677.0
3/30/16 Rent 59.90 Flat A, Floor 3, Block A2, 8-12 Peak Road, The Peak 2,766 $21,656.0
12/15/15 Rent 542.00 No. 28 Barker Road, The Peak 7,922 $68,417.0
11/20/15 Rent 698.00 No. 28 Barker Road, The Peak 9,537 $73,189.0
11/20/15 Rent 698.00 No. 28 Barker Road, The Peak 9,537 $73,189.0
9/1/15 Rent 250.00 Severn 8, The Peak 4,325 $57,803.0
7/3/15 Rent 236.00 Severn 8, The Peak 4,306 $54,807.0
11/12/14 Rent 66.80 Flat A, Floor 5, Block A2, 8-12 Peak Road, The Peak 2,719 $24,568.0
Transaction Amount Rate
< $2,000,000 1.5%
$2,000,000 - $2,176,470 $30,000 + 20% of excess over $2,000,000
$2,176,470 - $3,000,000 3%
$3,000,000 - $3,290,330 $90,000 + 20% of excess over $3,000,000
$3,290,330 - $4,000,000 4.5%
$4,000,000 - $4,428,580 $180,000 + 20% of excess over $4,000,000
$4,428,580 - $6,000,000 6%
$6,000,000 - $6,720,000 $360,000 + 20% of excess over $6,000,000
$6,720,000 - $20,000,000 7.5%
$20,000,000 - $21,739,130 $1,500,000 + 20% of excess over $20,000,000
> $21,739,130 8.5%

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Company License: C-002450
Agent License: C-002450
Savills HK