Ref: 2929026 | Last Modified: 13-05-2024

Flatiron by Meridian in Cambodia

Cambodia , Orchard , Quận 09

Bán: 130.000 HKD
Thanh toán hàng tháng: 505 HKD
Phần trả hàng tháng
Khoản vay :
Phần trả hàng tháng :
1   1   1
Diện tích gộp: 600 sqft ( 217 / sqft HKD)
Diện tích sàn: 0 sqft ( 0 / sqft HKD)

Thông tin bất động sản

Flatiron by Meridian is affrodable investment only from USD 130K Developed by Meridian International Holdings. Developer with good track record, they have completed their first 2 developments in Phnom Penh within 2.5 years Flexible choice either Grade A office or Service Apartment Fully managed and hassle free investment that comes with rental guarantee return Grade A Office offers 95% rental guarantee over 10 years Service Apartment offers 85% rental guarantee over 10 years Capital protection with buy back option at the end of year 10 Prime location surrounded with government ministry offices More info please visit

Số tiền hoặc giá trị của việc xem xét Tốc độ
< $2,000,000 1.5%
$2,000,000 - $2,176,470 $30,000 + 20% thừa trên $2,000,000
$2,176,470 - $3,000,000 3%
$3,000,000 - $3,290,330 $90,000 + 20% thừa trên $3,000,000
$3,290,330 - $4,000,000 4.5%
$4,000,000 - $4,428,580 $180,000 + 20% thừa trên $4,000,000
$4,428,580 - $6,000,000 6%
$6,000,000 - $6,720,000 $360,000 + 20% thừa trên $6,000,000
$6,720,000 - $20,000,000 7.5%
$20,000,000 - $21,739,130 $1,500,000 + 20% thừa trên $20,000,000
> $21,739,130 8.5%

Gởi yêu cầu
Nhận thêm thông tin

Haris Lukman
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Giấy phép Công ty: L3008899K
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